**Greetings to all those former members of this once great alliance.** One day we will rise again!
````````Since the NC Soft announcement to close it's "North American servers for the game known as 'Lineage;" I will no-longer be able to access the game since the shutdown on June 29th, 2011...if you want to rejoin an Official Ancients group, come join us in FFXI-Odin server.... NOTE* Due to health related issues in 2014, I have not been active on any Final Fantasy games. I haven't gotten another PC Monitor yet, so I am unable to download any previous or new game material either. 3/27/2016. jc ***ALL of the maps from my 'xanaduccgs.20m.com' location have been relocated to my blog at this link: www.myspace.com/znightbirdz There is several Photo folders there with title names of: ANCIENTZ members, Lineage Maps, Pirate Island Maps, Pirate Island Quests, Dark Elf quests, etc. For those of you that may require the information posted up here on this site, I have let it up for all of you and for anyone that comes to view some of their memories from the game while it was here on the North American Servers. I will keep this site semi-active, as long as i!m alive to do so! 😇
A Pledge status msg. has been posted on 2 sites at these links: http://theancientz.easyphpbb.com/ (look in ANCIENTZ Alliance) http://lineageone.com/en/node/7627
Thankx all!! LC How many has been able to get the required items to get the cute pets, ie: the Wolf that looks like a little red riding hood outfit on it, or the flying Succubus and/or the cute bear that draws a heart? I've went into that haunted house at least 100x so far and never gotten a grail yet, all I seem to get as a prize is more potions. -.- And i'm not about gona pay 100 mil for one, thats way over my existing funds. I think the Wolf and Bear is cutest of the three, ( note this website has not been allowing me to edit some of my sentences so if there's any miss-spelled words, that is why. :( Updated by my hand on: Saturday, December 19, 2015. After I was about to give up on aquiiring one of those, I was given two of them during the last 6 weeks of the game.☺ Although NC Soft has added a few more neat features to the game, it still hasnt drawn me back to it like it used to do. I used to dream lineage in my sleep, now it just doesnt seem to have that appeal anylonger. Maybe its just me, but I feel like when i'm taking time to level a character in it, its a waste of my time...cause it just takes so much longer to attempt the procedure to gain another full level up vs what other games allow in them in 1/2 the time. I just feel that NC Soft needs to update their leveling system, to a faster pace...especially if they intend to keep their customers. When I get bored in a game, normally I just quit that game...but i've stayed in this one for other reasons, but eventually I fore-see my departure from it. (All will be notified when that day comes.) Ive been advised SEER normally spawns every 2-3hrs, confirmed sightings/data shown it at: 10 PM, 1 AM, 3:30-4 Am LOCATION..............GAME TIME........REAL TIME "AM".........REAL TIME "PM" See this graph on page 2. thx ZThunderZ, had been appointed my next in charge for taking over the alliance. but since NCsoft has cancelled our access to the game via the north-american servers....this is no longer attainable at this time. ZThunderZ Lvl 99* GK, Senior Knight prior to game ending in August 2010. It is my hope that all my 'Lineage friends and acquaintances' have found a new game home and are happy within it!' Since Lineage is no longer apart of my life (game wise) I have moved on and can be found in one of SE's games known as: FFXI/Final Fantasy Eleven online. We are currently on the Odin server, if anyone would like to join us there (as stated above.) After being in Lineage for nearly 10yrs, I feel I lost part of my life so to speak. And I've lost touch with all the many friends and acquaintances I once had there within the process. -.- Well, I will keep this site up for at least another year, so if you want to save anything from it, it would be best if you download it soon. (I am not at my best most weeks, so if anything should happen to me, this site will come down eventually from non-activity.) jc
~~This site was last updated on Sunday, March 27, 2016 2:25 AM EST. This Site has been Up for: 685 Weeks. Contact me on FB, &/or email: xanaduccgs@gmail.com LC aka SaphyrKat,, FB Contact: Jacqueline Atwell-Bird 😊😇
**ANCIENTS** can be found on both "Lineage I & II." This blood pledge was created originally on the mmorpg " Lineage I." on the Ken Rauhel server in the year of 2001, by two (2) brothers known in game as: Amenaphis and AnoxCynODyn. The royals that were in charge of this alliance, have since moved on, all but 2; those royals left in charge were: "Arlion" prince of "TheAncients." "LadyCrystael" , princess of : "AncientWarriorZZ". As of September 2003, leadership and high command of this alliance was passed to princess "LadyCrystael." |
The "Mambo Rabbit Humor" story is finally finished and has been posted for all to view. Note* All site content is protected under a copywrite enfringement protection law. This site was created for the use of all members of the "Ancients Alliance," Located in the online games: Lineage IⅈFFXI/Ifrit&Odin servers;LoTRO;DAoC, NWN, and anywhere else that an "Ancients Royal Member has established a registered leadership role in another online and/or offline mmorpg as recognised by me,ie: LC, Lead Princess of the Ancients Alliance, Princess of ANCIENTZ, and Leader of AncientImmortals of FFXI/Ifrit Server." This site was created on 3/31/2004 I have added a "blog" / RealBlog, you may post to it, but please keep comments clean. LC/ Relic |
"ZThunderZ" All pledge activity photos will change periodically, as time goes by. Hope u enjoy this site. LC/ Relic |
~~~Site content updated on: 03/18/2011@5:41 Am 4 - ANCIENT pledges on Ken Rauhel: ANCIENTZ........LadyCrystael, Lvl 49.39 - Gold eye of Aah. AncientRingz..........LadyMonoku, Aqua eye of Aah encircled by a Silver Ring w/Aqua stone. AncientSoulz...............Coyate, Blue over Green eye of Aah. AncientRuins...............Faelyn, Prince.........(Eye not applied yet.) TheReturners..............Sabinn, Prince........Emblem used is a "Moogle." ClubNikira.................Niro, Prince............Green Eye of Aah.
3 ANCIENT pledges on LOA. AncientKatz...........Princess "GalaxyKat"...Golden Eye of Aah. AncientHeartz........Princess..Zenna, Emblem used at this time is a symbol for "ATOMIC" in red,white,& blue. **Honor Roll Members** ANCIENTZ - Ken Rauhel server: (Our members are listed from highest to lowest Levels.) **KNIGHT CLASS** **GK-ZThunderZ* Lvl 55+, **GK- **RipFuel* Lvl ,*Drexson* Lvl 40+, **Ravenwolf, Lvl 48 **WIZARD CLASS** **GK-LadyofNight* Lvl 50, **GK-ChiChire* Lvl 47, *Icefist* Lvl 47, **GK-ZNightBirdZ* Lvl 47,* Joicy* Lvl 45+ **FrozzenMage* Lvl 48+, **GK-NekuYasha* Lvl 48, * **GK-Jerath* Lvl 40, * ** **ELVEN CLASS** **GK-BooU* Lvl 50, **GK-RelicHunter* Lvl 48, **GK-DeathScythe3* Lvl 46, **IceFist* Lvl 48, **GK-TootsiePop* Lvl 35+,*Elfiena* Lvl 42+, **Sleet* Lvl38+, ** ~~~~~Honorary Elf's: *Elf15* Lvl 49 ~~~~Honorary Knight's: HERC, lvl 70 (Nov.2007) ~~~~Honorary Mage/Wizard's: **DARK ELVEN CLASS** **GK-ToraYasha* Lvl 41,*Chaosluver* Lvl 42, **GK-RyoWildfire* Lvl 30,, **Darkparticle* Lvl 35+, *Saradwyn* lvl 23+ **StarRaven* lvl 20+, ~~~~~Honorary DE's~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **CHEW* Lvl 48, **Note* The listing above may not be totally-accurate,due to lack of member data/ie "current level's," so as I get them updated in my personal files, I will update them here as well. thx, LC Ancient & Rings Royals: **LadyMonoku Lvl 45 * AncientRingz (Aqua Eye of Aah, Silver Ring w/ Blue Zircon stone.) AncientRingz members: **GK-StarRaven (dark elf) **GK-Auraia (dark elf) in TheReturners, pledge-Sabinn, lvl 20 prince. Other ANCIENTS CLANS: Leader(s) Server(s). AncientImmortals............Saphyrkat...............Ifrit/FFXI w/15 members (Semi-Active) Note** only members that have reached at least Lvl 30, are normally listed here, but I have included a few others that I feel should be recognised as well for their valor. "ANCIENTZ' has "20" members registered as of 12/31/2010.
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Do you have a website of similar interests? How would you like to drive more traffic to your site? Then why not join this site's web ring. What is a web ring? A web ring links several other sites to each other,and when people visit one site,they often will also visit the next site that is linked to the original or the next site in the ring....thus; all member sites eventually get more traffic to those sites. It's easy to join, and best of all, its a free! Many thanks to all that are member's of this webring :) |
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