*** Level 48 + Members***
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This is the 'Level 48 to 60+ acknowledgement page.'

 This page will include a photo/screenshot of any member in this pledge that has reached level 48 or higher.

( In this game that's really an accomplishment as it takes a long time of dedication and hard work  to get past lvl 45. )



** ZThunderZ ** , Lvl 60+, Str Knight

Lead Knight, Royal Council Member, & Guardian Knight.

 Pledge: ANCIENTZ , Ken Rauhel server


**LadyofNight**  Lvl 50.

Charisma/Intelligence Mage

She is normally seen with 3 Gargoyle summons to assist her in her battles.

Position held: Pledge Healer, Royal Council Member, & GK-Guardian Knight.

ANCIENTZ , Ken Rauhel server.

Favorite solo hunting locations are: ToS, Toi, & FV.

She also loves group hunting as well.


 ***NekuYasha*** Level 48+

Intelligence/Wisdom mage

Position held: Pledge Healer, Treasurer, Royal Council Member, Gk-Guardian Knight.

ANCIENTZ member since 2005. Ken Rauhel server.

Normally seen hunting with r/l partner "ToraYasha" in Owl,
FV,Diad Caverns, and/or the Pirate Island area's.



Princess-Lvl: 49.15 w/ Max Charisma.

She has 22 cha w/other items equipt, which means: she should be able to tame anything that is 'tamable' in the game. :)

Pledge: ANCIENTZ   Server: Ken Rauhel

Lead Royal of the ANCIENTS Alliance.

Solo-hunting locations: ToS, FV, and Giran Cave.

Often seen hunting with either (3) dobs, &/or (4) Raccoons.

Group hunting, can be anywhere as long as there is a healer to assist when and where needed.


***RelicHunter*** Lady Elf, Lvl 48.78%

Dex/Con Elf. Means, she is within 2 pts of being a Con Elf, that she can also use a Sword in battles as well.

Guardian Knight, LC's Alternate.

Pledge: ANCIENTZ   Server: Ken Rauhel

Favorite Solo-hunting locations: Fire Valley, ToS, and Heine 4 underwater.

Favorite Weapon to use: +7 Sayha Xbow w/ elemental arrows.

Alternate Weapon used: +8 Katana, &/or +7 Rapier.

Group hunting when and wherever. But normally only with friends &/or pledgees, that I trust to hunt with.


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 ANCIENTZ , Ken Rauhel server


 ANCIENTZ , Ken Rauhel server