Members update 01/10/2011
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**Next regularly scheduled ALLIANCE  & Pledge meeting will be announced in game. Date to be announced at a later date.*

Also, since  many have left Lineage in the last year or so due to complications from:

1. Switching games, (lineage has become annoying and boring to many.)

2. Job, War, Schooling changes, etc.

As of December 2010, these Ranked officers still active (other than myself,) are:

DeathScythe3, LadyOfNight,NekuYasha, ToraYasha, & ZThunderZ.



The Royal's members list...

 This is to show all of you that have asked me,

how my members list is shown on my royal char in game.

**Election of Positions Info. & Officers elected to them."

~~Here ye, Here Ye~~  A Future Alliance Meeting will be announced around the mid part of April 2011.~~           All Ranked Officers should be in attendance of the upcoming April conference,if you want your voices to be heard as to what this alliance is going do do from that date forward.  So be ready to attend it when the date is set!!


 Current positions held at this time are:

Lead Knight: ZThunderZ and my next to take command of this alliance until future notice!

Pledge healer's: LadyofNight & NekuYasha

Pledge Guardian: Chichire

Moral Officer's: ToraYasha 


Until this pledge becomes more active in the future, I am not gona insist on a new set of Officers to be appointed at this time. I feel that we are doing well without alot of buracratic nonsense, ie: whom is incharge of what in the pledge.  It stands to reason that I have the best group of GK's at this time, my loyal friends that have stayed with me thru-out this crisis, no matter what that has transpired within the pledge & in r/l  over the years.  And so their titlements/rank within the pledge will not be removed unless they themselves step down from those positions.

Signed on this date: January 11th, 2011 @ 12:10 AM.

 by the "Lead Princess of ANCIENTZ: LadyCrystael." 

Also regarding being p/ked by other ppl in game or someone that is stealing your drops/mops do this from now on: 

  If you have any trouble with any pledge, please contact the lead royal 's in charge, to settle the dispute.......don't do it on your own, unless u have no other choice.

Then the best solution i can give u is this:

 a.  Take a screen shot of it and send it to plaync customer support and report it there.

b. If you're too lazy to do that,then you dont have a reason to whine about it in game, (and on a personal note;) "I dont want to hear it either, as it wastes my time as well!

 NC Soft is the creator/programmer, if they cant fix it, no one can!

Also when contacting nc soft customer support, repeat the question to them more than 1-2 times a week; i found it works to get them to do something about the situation that you are haveing troubles with.


Topic: *A pledge of many nations*

 When "AncientWarriorZZ's "stopped sieging, over the last year we have become a pledge of many nations....mainly becuz many pledges broke up when their leaders quit the game and moved on, and so they came to join us.  I am proud of all of my members that have stayed with me thru the thick and thin of it all!

 Well the time came and went, (so I grew wiery of waiting for "Arlion"  to return to give me the pledge name that he promised to me over a year ago, and still has it  tied up on one of his inactive royals,)  I renamed my pledge to "ANCIENTZ" on 11/10/05.

 signed this date: 11/22/2005 & updated on: June 17th, 2008,2009,2010, & 01/11/2011..

  "LadyCrystael" Lead Princess & High Command of  "ANCIENTS ALLIANCE."