***Ancients Allies ***
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This is an Official ANCIENTZ Alliance announcement:


The Allies listed below, other than our own *ANCIENTZ sub-pledges* are subject to change in the future, so 'just because they are listed here, doesn't mean they ARE our current allies.   Since March 8th, 2006 this alliance had known many other pledges, but although they have aggreed to 'allie with us' they have yet to fulfill the promisary written aggreements of this alliance with them.  So as soon as I can set a date for a new 'Alliance conference' then all those that wish to ally with this alliance will have their chance to come forth and announce themselves to our ANCIENTS Council and state why they should be allowed to state they are apart of this alliance, forth wit.

Signed by LadyCrystael, Princess of ANCIENTZ

Date filed: June 24th, 2008


This is a list of our current "ALLIES" to this Alliance, effective 3/8/06:

LadyMonoku, Princess            AncientRingz       Aqua Eye of Aah enclircled by a Ring of Silver & Aqua stone.

Ciro, Prince             AncientShadowZZ        Green Eye of Aah

~~~~~~~~~~~~Dark Fury Alliance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SirGriffith               DarkFury           Gold "D" surrounded by Red Flames.

Leblanc                 DarkFuryII         Gold "D" surrounded by Red Flames.  

Johnathen            DarkFuryLite       Gold "D" surrounded by Red Flames. 

**Please make note of "whom you're allies are on the Ken server."




**Ringz** pledge information is shown below:

Rings Alliance on the Ken Rauhel server has officially been merged with ANCIENTS effective per 'Manwie" on 8/23/05,

when he entrusted the fate of Rings future upon the hands of two princess's: LadyMonoku and LadyCrystael.

 LadyMonoku , has renamed her pledge and applied her new emblem,

(especially designed and approved by Prince Manwie on 12/5/05.)

"BlueRingz" alternate emblem is: Powder Blue Eye of Aah, Gold Ring w/ Sapphire stone.



  TrueSpirit & pledge members on the Ken server.




LoA "Rings" Alliance



LadyMonoku shown with Ring Of Water.


photo to be added


(This page was last updated on 3/14/06)