" The Ancient Eye"
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Information regarding the eye 's...

The "Eye of Ra" or "Udjat" is a popular symbol of the peoples of ancient Egypt.

Legend says that when the eye faces the right, it represents the sun-god, "Ra";

When it faces left it represents the moon-god "Aah.

 Ancients chose the the moon-god " Aah," for its Alliance emblems.

"Law of One, of Unity"

RA: We are those who are of the Law of One, of Unity.

In our vibration the polarities are harmonized;

the paradoxes have a solution.

We are one.


We have walked your planet and seen the faces of your peoples...

 If  you wish to learn more about the eyptian terminology and to read more of  the statement shown above, go to this site at:



Ancients Alliance is not Eyptian


 Although the original Ancient pledge used the Eyptian eye of Aah as their choise for a blood pledge emblem for the game of Lineage, they were not Eyptian as to nationality.

  The player in the game known as "Horus", originally chose the eye because he liked the look of it.

  And so as time passed, several variations in color of the eye shown above was used by different individual pledges....of which eventually created the Ancients Alliance.

**Please note**

 All use of the ANCIENT eye icons shown here or in the game were put into copywrite and are protected under copywrite law via the ANCIENTS Alliance.

 Only those royals that have explicit permission from the high council &/or the lead royal of this alliance are able to bear the symbol of one of our ANCIENT eye's.

 Warning**  If someone were to duplicate or use one of our symbols without proper permission, faces copywrite infringement, and will be sued to the fullest extent of the law.

  Signed and updated again by high council and lead royal of ANCIENTS Alliance, LadyCrystael.  01/08/2011.

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