************DIAD Fortress************
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Dark Elf Caverns & Diad Fortress map's with npc locations, etc.


Diad Return scrolls info:

 To craft the "Return to Diad Fortress Scrolls,"  
you will need to hunt in the Diad dungeons for "Diad map pieces."
It takes (5) of those + 500a to craft one. 
When you get those map pieces, go talk to the NPC on the 1st floor
(after you enter the outer entry to the caves, you cant miss him.o.-

This will save you time and frustration, (and maybe some deaths from being swamped) 
trying to run thru the floors, to get to the "Diad Fortress ( 4th) floor."

Some players have been selling these map pieces btwn 50-100k each.

Also, You can craft a "Return to Resistance Village scroll" 2 ways:

1st.  Gather (10) of the "Large Cave pieces" and 500a, and take to the same NPC on the 1st floor
of Diad Cave to craft you one.                       
( I hear they are a difficult drop, some been seen selling in the GTV on ken for 200-300k each.
That would make that scroll cost at least 2m, minimum. o.o.

2nd. If you are already in the Resistance Village caverns,
you can hunt the mops to obtain the ingredients to craft those "Return to Resistance Village Scrolls"
at the Alchemist in the village there.

To Craft with materials, you need these ingredients: 
  10 bat fangs, 5 wolf pelts, 5 twigs of deep flower, 1 black tiger heart, & 1 dark elven pouch.

Drop difficulty based on 'rarest to easiest" shown below:
1st. Twig of Deep Flower,
2nd. Wolf Pelt,
3rd. Black Tiger Heart,
4th. Dark Elven Pouch,
5th. Bat Fangs.

gl, a team of 4 hunted the "resistance village Large cave area" for 12 days,
and only got enough materials to craft one (1) Return to Resistance Scroll. 0.0  

 ( They got alot of the pouches and fangs in the process,
but didnt get enough of all the materials required to make more than 1 scroll.) 

**note* I've seen those scrolls being sold on ken btwn 1m-2.5m each.                     
Please, Dont blame anyone there for asking those prices...
as it takes alot of work to get enough materials to craft that scroll.

And for those of you that play on LoA, those scrolls selling for 2.7m each.

Return to Recluse village scrolls, can be crafted in that area.
To get to the recluse area, you must either do one of 2 things, they are:
1. go into the abyss lake, via the elemental ruins on Pirate Island and then use a escape scroll
and it will take you to the "Recluse village."
2. You can run thru the abyss lake to the exit cave into the Recluse caverns.
once there, you can use a escape scroll to return to the Recluse Village or just hunt your way back to that spot.

The good thing is, that both the "Resistance and the Recluse Village's" have a Kennel and a storage dwarf.



  Diad photo here

map and info updated 2/27/06 enjoy :)

(text here)

  Dark Elf /Lastabad Caverns , 1st & 2nd Floor's

These maps have been modified with additional information, to help players in the mmorpg "Lineage 1."

Many thanks goes to "GameAbout" and "NC Soft."


  Dark Elf / Lastabad Caverns, 3rd Floor

<<---Hidden Passaway......Take this shortcut path thru this wall.

It is sometimes easier to use this path,to avoid more mops in route to the entry to the Fortress floor. The passaway is a "Safe Spot" to Regin from mops.