Shown below are photo's (with locations) shown for pledge house's owned by Alliance Royals on the Ken & LOA server's; within this alliance. Pledge house's shown below for: LadyCrystael, ANCIENTS on Ken, LadyMonoku, AncientRingz on Ken. (page updated on 8/30/06) |
** ANCIENTZ 120 cell Giran house** Between the sale of the old 78 cell house and the re-purchase of this 120 cell house, LC's final cost = 1,077,000 adena on Monday, 11/14/2005. |
AncientRingz - Blood Pledge house - Giran/Ken Rauhel server. This house is located on the Ken Rauhel server. Next to the Alchemist hut & near the Town square, (Town square also known as the Giran Cross.) |