**Pledge House Information**
  ANCIENTS  ALLIANCE | ANCIENTS/Z Pledge memories 2002-2008 | Pledge pics 2003-2005 | ***Pledge hunts 5/22/06 & more... | photo4-7 slots | Level  49 plus members | Crystal Alliance 2002-2003 | High-Un-Usual Pets | Eyptian  Eye Info. | Ancients Allies | Diad Fortress npcs | Pledge homes | Election of Officers 11-20-05 | Fact or Fiction | Guest Book Page | Info. Site-links | Contact Page | Alliance Journal | Mambo Rabbit Humor Story | Photoalbum  

 Shown  below are photo's (with  locations) shown

for pledge house's owned by Alliance Royals

on the Ken & LOA server's;  within this alliance.

Pledge house's shown below for:

LadyCrystael, ANCIENTS on Ken,

LadyMonoku, AncientRingz on Ken.

(page updated on 8/30/06)

** ANCIENTZ 120 cell Giran house**

Between the sale of the old 78 cell house

and the re-purchase of this 120 cell house,

LC's final cost = 1,077,000 adena

on Monday, 11/14/2005.



AncientRingz - Blood Pledge house - Giran/Ken Rauhel server.

This house is located on the Ken Rauhel server.

Next to the Alchemist hut & near the Town square,

(Town square also known as the Giran Cross.)