*** High & Un-usual Pets on the Ken Server ***
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High Pets of Honor &/or Rememberance are being placed here at this time.

We have (two) 2 photos posted below that needs viewed.

It seems that the owner of it, dont know what is o.o

After it is recieved from the kennel, it is a not a dog, its a ORC,

so who can tell us anything about this dilema?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Please contact me via email  & or contact me or the owner (pictured) in game on the Ken Rauhel server.



Ken server - High Pets , page 1


Ken server - High Pets , page 2


Ken server - High Pets - page 3 (will be added soon)


This is one of my favorite images

(photo info here.)

This is one of my favorite images
Place anything like pictures, sketches, logos or products on this page!

What type of dog collar is this? (the owner doesnt know either, can someone help with this dilema?

Un-usual pet on Ken server, found 4/20/06

This is what the dog looks like when removed from the kennel.
