***Calling ALL ANCIENTS***
Greetings to ALL ANCIENTS Past and Present....
No this isnt a joke, I've made this announcement in another game forum location.
Of which it obviously did not get the attention it deserved...
Since many of you have been playing other games as well as Lineage over the last few years while I remained faithful to just one (1) game, Ive decided to branch out (so to speak.)
So I say unto all my friends and members that has been apart of this alliance since 2001, If youre bored with your current game, why not come and join me on another game instead &/or at least for a while. At least you'll be with friends you know you can trust, while starting out & surviving in it. (Ive been a client/customer of Lineage since Sept. 2001, It was a good game when I first started on it, but since then alot of problems has arrisen in it as all of you know that still play it as well.) No offense intended toward NC Soft, but since theres other games available with better graphics and seems like better support overall, I've started playing FFXI as a 2ndary game...
ancientz, calling_all_ancients, city_of_heroes, city_of_villians, dark_age_of_camelot, ffxi, ladycrystael, mmorpg, never_winter_nights, saphyrkat, world_of_warcraft
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